# $Id: clientreceipt.txt 768 2005-11-24 07:14:27Z raf $ CUSTNAME customer's name WEBSITE website order came from SALE order's total ORDERID order ID# SITENAME site's name TRACKLINK customer center link TRACKPASS customer center password SETTING_COMPLETE_DAYS usually '3-4 business days' ORDERTYPEDESC order type ORDERTYPEDESCUC order type uppercase ## BODY FOLLOWS *** PLEASE DO NOT USE THE "REPLY" BUTTON TO RESPOND TO THIS E-MAIL. INSTEAD, LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT AT: $CCLINK AND USE THE APPROPRIATE BUTTON TO CORRESPOND WITH US DIRECTLY. Your password is: $CCPASS **** Dear $CUSTNAME, Thank you for your order at $WEBSITE! Your order ID# is $ORDERID. Total charges of $ $SALE will appear on your next statement from Azoos.Com, Inc. - Florida, U.S.A. Your $ORDERTYPEDESC will be e-mailed to you within $ORDERCOMPLETE unless you specified our "rush" option. Please note: If the "level of experience" you selected on our order form was inaccurate, your total price will be adjusted within 7 calendar days to reflect the correct number of years worth of experience with which you've presented us. Any such adjustment will appear as a separate charge for our advertised rate and an email indicating the adjustment will be sent to you at that time. *We thank you for this opportunity to serve you and welcome any questions you might have... ** TO CONTACT US REGARDING YOUR $ORDERTYPEDESCUC OR TO TRACK YOUR ORDER STATUS, PLEASE VISIT: $TRACKLINK AND LOG IN USING YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS AND '$TRACKPASS' AS YOUR PASSWORD. Sincerely, Heather R. Todd www.$SITENAME